Saturday, 21 April 2012

Sleepless in Seattle...

Had to use that as a title but it's actually true; it's past six a.m and I'm being responsible and doing some laundry before a trip to the rainforest. But more of that later - here's what else happened on the train.

On the Thursday, after a terrible nights sleep and a chocolate bar for breakfast, I met Ashley. She's a photographer from Minneapolis, and was a great companion for the long journey west through some spectacular scenery. The flat plains of North Dakota soon gave way to mighty Montana, and the mountains in the distance edged ever closer. Even the ridiculous chatter of the train staff on the intercom couldn't spoil things (though constant invites to the dining car got very old, very fast).

Later, we met Evan and others for a sing-song in the viewing car. Amish sat close to what could only be described as hicks, amidst gentle blues and towering ravines. We caught elk grazing on the slopes and spotted the lonely wave of an old man outside his cabin, who looked slightly confused by the train that invaded the serenity. Mountain after mountain clamoured for our attention, each trying to out do the last in terms of the sublime. Of course, the train tannoy system tried as hard as possible to ruin the moment: we favoured a microwave pizza to the privileged invitation of the dining car, where Ashley had earlier sat opposite what can only be described as a neo-Nazi. What a country of contrasts!

Anyways, spiel over we, listened to drunken stories about drunks and train-hops and hobo jungles. I then fell into another uncomfortable sleep; woken up by my neighbour Marylin, the old star offering me a pillow. There was more great scenery to wake up to over a breakfast kit-kat, and I finally came face-to-face with the Pacific Ocean. This soon gave way to the Seattle skyline, which reminded me a little of Liverpool. Before I knew it I was saying my goodbyes and leaving Evan to his dumpster diving (look it up or better still watch 'Portlandia').

A rainy walk through the city bought me to the hostel and some well-earned rest. The place seems great - with a library and movie theatre - but I was soon off on my travels again to meet Ashley and her friend for a great curry in a different part of town. And we're soon going to be off to visit a rainforest a ferry and a bit of a drive awful from Seattle which sounds really incredible. All stocked up with my army sleeping bag and jungle boots and cannot wait to get the chance to see bear, elk and wolves. A really great break from the city lifestyle I have been living.

So again I shall be without internet most likely for two days or so. Don't fret my little blogees though: if I get eaten by a bear then you can probably get a cameo in the film adaptation (or movie, if you're feeling American too). Here's a shot of Glacier National Park to give you an idea - speak soon!

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